Friday, February 25, 2011
Vinegar Painting on a Chimney Cupboard
We made a chimney cupboard from a pattern found in Country Living.
I wanted to give it an outrageous finish so we painted it with vinegar paint.
It was pretty messy so we did it the driveway with an audience of neighbors trying to figure out what they heck we were up to this time.
I base coated the cabinet and sanded the painted surface after it dried. Vinegar paint is made from vinegar, sugar or syrup (for adhesion), liquid dish soap (an emulsifier), and powdered tempera paint. It's a negative painting process and dries very quickly so my husband painted on the vinegar paint and I combed through it. If you make a mistake the paint is very soluble so you can paint over it and do it again. I finished it with by spraying on Matte Fixative after the paint was dry.